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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

If you have worked hard for a taut midsection and have reached your desired weight, but your desired shape is not what you were hoping for, then a tummy tuck in West Palm Beach may be the option for you. For the last twenty years, our team of experienced board certified plastic surgeons have been serving patients in Palm Springs, Jupiter, Wellington, Lake Worth, and West Palm Beach, FL. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

We also understand that pregnancy, weight fluctuation, and aging can prevent you from your ideal midsection. Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach chooses this procedure for their patients to help assist them in achieving that sexy, toned tummy!

What is a Tummy Tuck?

Now that you have worked very hard to drop the weight, you are noticing a buildup of excess skin hanging around your lower abdomen – what do you do? In some cases, a healthy diet, the right exercise, and 1,000 crunches a day will not tone the abdominal walls the way you desire. A tummy tuck in our surgical center can help you with this problem.

A tummy tuck is a surgery that removes excess fat, skin and tissue from the mid-section. This procedure can also help to restore weakened or separated muscles to create definition and tone. With age, weight gain and/or pregnancy, a lot can change in your abdominal wall, and this procedure can help to build back what has been lost.

Before & After


Abdominoplasty Case 1 (887189)

Abdominoplasty Case 2 (901889)

Abdominoplasty Case 3 (881927)

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

To determine the cost of your tummy tuck procedure, we invite you to schedule a private consultation at our practice. During your consultation, we will assess your cosmetic goals in order to pursue a treatment plan that matches your unique needs. Then, we will be able to provide you with a clear breakdown of the costs associated with your treatment. At Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach, we offer a wide array of monthly payment options to help you reach your individual wellness, beauty, and performance goals. We accept major credit cards, and our financing plans include CareCredit® and Alphaeon® Credit.

How Can I Get a Sexy, Toned Tummy?

Tummy tucks are quickly becoming one of the most popular plastic surgery treatments in America. The tummy tuck procedure involves removal of excess fat and skin, as well as tightening of weakened or separated muscles. Generally, the area treated is below the belly button. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will first place an incision in the lower abdomen and separate skin and muscle. We then tighten the muscle walls and remove extra skin to create a toned, abdominal profile. Abdominoplasty is NOT intended for weight loss or to correct stretch marks. Liposuction in the love handles may sometimes be performed at the same time. Your procedure might take place in our fully accredited state of the art facility or at one of the hospitals where we have staff.

What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the section of your abdomen, below your belly button. This procedure does not correct any skin laxity above the belly button. If you have loose skin above and below your belly button, then you will want to consider a full tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck is a great procedure if you are struggling with a stubborn, lower belly pouch. This procedure is quicker than a full tummy tuck and the recovery time is also much shorter. If you are interested in a mini tummy tuck, schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons to find out if this is right for you.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

The best way to know if you are a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery is to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons. Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach understands that some patients prefer to be treated by a physician of their same gender, which is why any member of our team of board certified plastic surgeons is available for consultation so that you feel comfortable during the entirety of your procedure.

It is important that you are at your ideal weight, have a healthy lifestyle, and are not planning on having more children. This is important because the longevity of the results for tummy tuck candidates depends on being able to maintain your weight healthily.

How Long is Recovery from Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Length of liposuction recovery depends on if you are having a full tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck. In general, patients can typically return to work about a week after a full tummy tuck and a few days after a mini tummy tuck, as long as your job does not put much strain on your body. After two weeks, it’s important to make sure that you are moving and encouraging circulation in the body for proper healing. It is also crucial to wait a minimum of six weeks until returning to strenuous activity.

What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

  • Tummy tuck surgery removes excess skin and fat that diet and exercise may not
  • These results are extremely long lasting as long as you maintain your weight
  • Improved abdominal tone
  • Removing stretched tummy skin can also remove the stretch marks that were on that skin
  • Creates a flatter, smoother midsection

How Long Will My Results Last?

Tummy tuck results will last as long as you maintain your weight. Weight gain, childbirth, and general aging can have an effect on the results.

Additional FAQs About Tummy Tuck Surgery

During your consultation, one of our physicians at Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach will work with you to find out what technique will best suit your needs.
Plastic surgery of any kind is not a treatment for obesity. It is important to be at a healthy weight before having a tummy tuck. Weight loss should only be done through diet and exercise or under the supervision of a physician.
It is important to have realistic expectations when you are planning on having any cosmetic procedure. During your consultation you should discuss your concerns and your goals with your surgeon. Overall, a tummy tuck surgery will remove excess skin and fat while tightening the abdomen muscles. There will be some downtime associated with the procedure, but every patient and procedure are unique, and your doctor will discuss all of the preparation and recovery instructions with you prior to your surgery. On the day of surgery, you should plan to have someone pick you up from the hospital and help you get settled at home. Resting during the first few days post-procedure will be necessary during the most sensitive period of recovery.
In most cases, patients are put under sedation which prevents patients from feeling any pain during the procedure. After the procedure, you may have some tenderness and soreness in the areas that you had worked on, but you will be prescribed medication that will help with this.
A full tummy tuck will leave a scar. Your surgeon will try to create the incision in an inconspicuous area so it is not extremely prominent. The scar will seem dark directly after surgery, but will lighten over time. A mini tuck will yield a much smaller scar.
While both procedures result in a slim physique, a tummy tuck is more focused on the removal of excess skin while liposuction is intended to aid in body fat removal.

The PSPB Difference

At Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach, our board-certified plastic surgeons are dedicated to making sure your tummy tuck is as successful as possible. During your initial consultation, we will evaluate your overall health and discuss tummy tuck cost and the tummy tuck recovery process. Many times, our patients will also stress other areas of their body that make them unhappy. Our focus at Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach is to make you feel comfortable and beautiful by offering you the results you deserve.

We are happy to serve those in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Wellington, Palm Springs, and Lake Worth. Our facilities are designed to foster a sense of wellness, health, and happiness. Our experienced plastic surgeons take great pride in ensuring our patients’ safety and education for each procedure through their aesthetic journey. Contact us today to begin your aesthetic journey.