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Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Aging can cause our skin to lose its supporting structures. Collagen and elastin structures weaken and diminish, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines and folds. Radiesse® is created to plump the skin, soften, and stimulate the production of collagen for long-lasting results. If you live in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Springs, Wellington, Lake Worth or any surrounding areas of South Florida, schedule an appointment at one of our three beautiful and convenient locations in South Florida.


Radiesse® in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Radiesse® in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

What is Radiesse®?

Radiesse® in Palm Beach is a filler composed of Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres to add fullness under the skin, smoothing the appearance of wrinkles and nasolabial folds. It is also FDA-approved for hand rejuvenation. As we age, our skin loses its supportive structures, resulting in sagging skin. This filler stimulates the production of collagen, and continues to work naturally over time.

Radiesse®, unlike other dermal fillers, is also incredibly effective for hand rejuvenation. These injections are used to camouflage veins on the top of the hands and loose skin associated with aging.

How Much Does Radiesse® Cost?

We share pricing information during our initial consultation. The cost of Radiesse® varies based on the size of the treatment area and the amount of product required. To help ensure our patients can afford their cosmetic care we offer several financing options.

Am I a Good Candidate for Radiesse®?

Candidates for Radiesse® are generally healthy individuals who wish to smooth facial wrinkles and nasolabial folds. It is important that patients do not have a history of severe allergies, an allergy to lidocaine, a bleeding disorder, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

What Results Can I Expect from Radiesse®?

Although there is no downtime associated with Radiesse®, patients may experience bruising, swelling, and redness or itching at the injection site, which should resolve on its own. Patients should also avoid strenuous activity and direct sun exposure for 24 hours or until swelling has gone down. Results from this filler are immediate, and last up to one year.

For more information on how Radiesse® injections can work for you, contact Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach. We have locations in West Palm Beach, Wellington, and Jupiter for your convenience!