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in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Are you tired of those annoying frown lines between your eyebrows? If so, Dysport® can help you rejuvenate your skin by reducing these wrinkles without changing the look or movement of the rest of your face. If you live in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Springs, Wellington, Lake Worth or any surrounding areas of South Florida, schedule an appointment at one of our three beautiful and convenient locations in South Florida.

Dysport® in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Dysport® in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

What is Dysport®?

Dysport® is an injection that helps reduce frown lines between the eyebrows, around your crow’s feet, and forehead areas. If you are looking for a solution to reduce moderate to extreme frown lines, Dysport® in West Palm Beach is the solution for you. Our highly trained physicians at Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach will discuss the best options for you and what amounts would be needed for full correction. Every patient is different, so depending on your muscle mass and exercise routines, the amounts can vary.

How Much Does Dysport® Cost?

We share pricing information during our initial consultation. The cost of Dysport® varies based on the size of the treatment area and the amount of product required. To help ensure our patients can afford their cosmetic care we offer several financing options.

What Can I Expect During My Dysport® Treatment?

Treatment can be done on the same day as consultation and only takes a few minutes. Some patients prefer to have a topical anesthetic applied prior to the injections but are not required. Once one of our doctors injects the sites, we have you ice for a few minutes to help avoid bruising and swelling which can be a side effect. You will begin to see results within 5-7 days. The results typically last 3 –4 months, at which point you can come back for another injection.

What Results Can I Expect from Dysport®?

Dysport® can drastically improve your appearance and make you look younger by reducing deep frown line wrinkles. However, it will not reduce fine line wrinkles not caused by facial expression. A clinical study reported that 93-95 percent of patients reported a reduction in wrinkles in just seven days after treatment. If you are having it for the first time or for a big event, we recommend doing it two to three weeks prior to make sure that you get the result you are looking for. Dysport® is safe, effective, and approved by the FDA.

Please contact Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach to schedule your consultation, and we will answer any other questions you have about Dysport®. We are proud to serve patients in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Wellington, Lake Worth, and Palm Springs.