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Laser Hair Removal
in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Excessive, unwanted hair growth can be the result of hormonal changes, medication, or disease. No matter the cause, unwanted hair can be a troubling experience for both men and women alike. It can create feelings of shame and embarrassment, and the removal of unwanted hair can be frustrating, painful, and time-consuming. Shaving, waxing, plucking, and depilatories are effective ways of removing hair, but the results are only temporary and weekly – or even daily –maintenance is required. If you live in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Springs, Wellington or Lake Worth, and struggle with unwanted hair and are looking for a more permanent solution to the problem, consider laser hair removal.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a minimally invasive, non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses pulsated light to damage and disable the hair follicle. Because the Vectus Laser is pulsed at a high intensity over short bursts of time, it can effectively target follicles on nearly any part of the body without damaging the surrounding skin. Prior to the procedure, a topical anesthetic is applied to the skin as a means to help reduce any potential discomfort or pain.

Laser Hair Removal in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost?

To determine the cost of your laser hair removal, we invite you to schedule a private consultation at our practice. During your consultation, we will assess your cosmetic goals in order to pursue a treatment plan that matches your unique needs. Then, we will be able to provide you with a clear breakdown of the costs associated with your treatment. At Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach, we offer a wide array of monthly payment options to help you reach your individual wellness, beauty, and performance goals. We accept major credit cards, and our financing plans include CareCredit® and Alphaeon® Credit.

What Can I Expect Following Laser Hair Removal?

No recovery time is necessary following the procedure, and you can expect to resume your normal daily activities immediately. Though you may experience slight swelling or redness, these symptoms are only temporary and will subside on their own in just a few days.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

It is important to note that hair grows in cycles, and in order to effectively remove all unwanted hair in one area, treatments must be performed during your hair’s active growth phase. However, not all hair is in the active growth phase at the same time, so multiple sessions are required for optimal results. Treatments are typically spaced anywhere from four to eight weeks apart, and most patients require four to five sessions. The best candidates for laser hair removal are individuals with light skin and dark hair. The majority of patients who undergo the procedure are able to see results.

Scheduling Your Laser Hair Removal Consultation

During your cosmetic consultation, your technician and doctor will review your options with you before deciding the best possible results to remove unwanted hair and restore confidence within yourself. You will also have the opportunity to discuss with your doctor any questions and concerns you may have. At Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach, your safety, comfort, and satisfaction come first.

Patient reviews

For more information and to schedule your aesthetic consultation, contact MedSpa Zen at Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach today. MedSpa Zen is a state-of-the-art medical spa, and all of our services are medically supervised and follow strict medical protocols to ensure you get the results you desire in a safe, comfortable, and relaxing environment. We are proud to serve patients in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Springs, Wellington, and Lake Worth.