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in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Double chins, also known as submental fat, can be resistant to any diet and exercise, but there is a new solution to get rid of this unwanted, excess fat. If you fall into this category, Kybella® neck injections could be right for you. If you live in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Springs, Wellington, Lake Worth or any surrounding areas of South Florida, schedule an appointment with our friendly, knowledgeable and professional team.

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® is the first and only FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness in adults. This is a non-human and non-animal formula of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring molecule in your body that helps break down and absorb fat. Once Kybella® is injected, it destroys the unwanted fat cells, leaving them unable to store or accumulate fat and they are naturally disposed of by your body.

Kybella® in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Kybella® in West Palm Beach and Jupiter, FL

Treatments are generally short, lasting only 15-20 minutes and up to 4-6 sessions may be needed. However, each treatment will be customized by your surgeon based on your amount of submental fat and desired results.

How Much Does Kybella® Cost?

We share pricing information during our initial consultation. The cost of Kybella® varies based on the size of the treatment area and the amount of product required. To help ensure our patients can afford their cosmetic care we offer several financing options.

Before & After


Kybella® Case 1 (92881)

Kybella® Case 2 (92882)

Kybella® Case 3 (92882)

What Can I Expect After Kybella®?

After your treatment, you will notice improvement within 2-4 sessions. Kybella® has a very high patient satisfaction rate, with most individuals experiencing a positive emotional impact of their slimmer, shaped chin, making them feel happier and younger. Patients may experience some side effects, including bruising, pain, numbness, swelling, redness, and hardness around the injection site, but these generally heal within two weeks. For most patients, downtime is minimal and side effects occurred most commonly after the first treatment session.

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

Kybella® treatment is only for adults ages 18 or older. If you are bothered by your double chin and your self-image could benefit from a solution, Kybella® could be right for you.

For more information and to schedule your aesthetic consultation, contact us at Plastic Surgery of Palm Beach today. At our state-of-the-art medical spa, all of our services are medically supervised and follow strict medical protocols to ensure you get the results you desire in a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment. We are proud to serve patients in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Springs, Wellington, and Lake Worth.